* I understand that I will be volunteering for Food Gatherers. Food Gatherers and its employees will not be held liable for accident or injury while I am volunteering. I have/will read all necessary safety information and will follow all posted and other safety information.
* I attest that I am not suffering from any illness (including fever, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice or sore throat with fever) and do not have any pustular lesions on any exposed body part. I also attest that I have not/am not now suffering from Norovirus, Salmonella, Shigellosis, E. Coli or Hepatitis A. If I develop any of the preceding symptoms or am diagnosed with the preceding diseases, I will inform the volunteer coordinator and/or person in charge.
* Food Gatherers reserves the right to decline the service of a volunteer at any time. A volunteer who violates policies, disobeys safety procedures, behaves inappropriately with staff, other volunteers or anyone they encounter while volunteering at Food Gatherers, will be asked to leave and may be permanently excused from further volunteer activities with Food Gatherers.
Please type your name and the date to indicate you have read and understand these volunteer guidelines.
If you are under 18 years old, a parent/legal guardian will be required to sign on your behalf and to give permission to volunteer. You will need to type your parent/guardian's name in the box, print this form before you click "submit" and have them sign next to their name.